iTune Music Store

2008-05-21 6:08 pm
我想向iTune Music Store購買佢地外國既歌同電視戲,但入左佢地個web之後就話香港未有iTune Music Store,係唔係我整錯左呀? 點解會唔得?敢其他人又點樣download架? 係唔係有另外一個香港itune既網站呀?


回答 (2)

2008-05-21 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you didn't make any mistake, it is true that iTune Music Store is not open to "normal" Hong Kong resident.

iTune Music Store charge the download by US credit card, so you are not able to get the songs / drama if you just have the credit cards issued by local banks.

If you really want to download from Itune Music Store, find a friend who has US credit card & register an account there...
2008-05-21 9:13 pm
Thank you so much! And I assume that once I my friend in US sets up the account for me, I can log in to download even I'm in Hong Kong?

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