
2008-05-21 9:14 am
本人公司被一間有限公司欠債, 請問有什麼方法可以追討欠債? 如我找收數公司而該欠債公司於收數其間清盤, 而它又資不抵債, 我還有什麼可以做?

回答 (2)

2008-05-24 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我建議你可向相關公司發出final notice of repayment[用掛號信寄, 自己keep一個copy]...信內列明相關借款條約及金額......說明該期限以過....要求該保險公司14日內回應及settle payment....如果14日內收不到通知會直接take legal proceedings....

如果真係到期都收吾到或冇任何回應...你可以搵個solicitor幫你去sue佢地, 本金連interest及法律上既開支claim佢地...幫佢地申請清盤.....

sample letter如下.....

Dear Sirs,

I write to inform you that your loan has been past due and this instrument serves as a final demand notice for repayment. Please be advised that according to our loan agreement dated [loan date] [ref: loan contract number] of HKD xxxxxx, XXX company agrees to repay me HKD xxxxx on or before the date [deadline].

If I do not receive a full repayment as situplated on the agreement within the fourteen days from this letter, I will have no alternative but to issue proceedings in the XXX Court without further notice.

If it is necessary to pursue this course of action, please note that I intend to pursue a claim for a full compensation, plus interest, together with any incidental costs incurred.

Yours faithfully,

Sign and print your name here.

我本人吾太建議用收數公司.....如你所講...如果公司係於收數其間清盤, 法庭會按債主既申訴日及欠款金額排隊.....預期佢會行清盤依條路....點解吾早d排隊呢?

再者...有d公司可能出面有更大既街數想cover吾想比其他債主知佢地財務有問題....如果你sue佢地件事就open左....可能佢地會吾想因小失大而係你發final notice後主動搵你傾settlement...


hope the information is useful to you
參考: myself
2008-05-21 11:10 pm


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