20分急charlie and the chocolate factory comment for discussion

2008-05-21 4:13 am
9 questions, thank you!
1) Do you think using golden tickets is the best way to find the suitable person to run the factory? what other ways can Mr. Wonka use?
2) How would you feel if you won a golden ticket?
3) Who would you take with you on the tour of the factory?
4) Would you leave your family and live in the factory if you can have the factory?
5) What would you do with the factory?
6) Would you use the Oompa Loompas as you workers?
7) Would you invite the other people to join you?
8) What other things you can make besides from candies?
9) WOuld you open another factory like this? in which country and why?

回答 (1)

2008-05-21 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)I don't think so.Mr. Wonka can question the person to find out how much he /she knows about chocolate and does he/she be able to run the factory.
2)I'd feel very excited and surprised.
3)I will take the one who can able to protect me on the tour of the factory.
4)No ,I 'd not do so.Cause of my family is the best thing in the world to me.
5)I would continue to develop it as well.I'd make it beter and beter by inventing more and more fantastic snacks in order to lead the children to be happy with them.Also develop the factory be the number one in the world.
6)Yes, I would because they are hard-working and funny.
7)Yes, I would . More people can help to develop the factory more faster.
8)I can also make some special soft drink.
9)Yes ,I'd if I can.I'd open another factory like this in China. Cause of three are large population.
參考: on my own

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