
2008-05-21 4:03 am
1.)you should take one of these in case it rains.

答案: XXaXXm

2.)you will need to eat some of these to give you energy.

答案: rXXXXiXX


聽日要交啊!! thx...

回答 (2)

2008-05-21 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
2. If you want to take photos on your hike, you should bring ( camera)
3. ( torch)will help you to see at night or in dark places.
4. you should take (water bucket) to carry your water.
5. (Sun screen) will stop your skin from getting sunburnt.
6.(Map) will help you to find your way on a hike.
7. You should take ( raincoat) it rains.
8. make sure you wear (cap) to protect you from the sun.
2008-05-21 6:06 am
1) 唔識
2) camara 相機
3) torch 手提電筒

4) water bottle 水樽
5) sun block 防曬乳 [但得8個字]
6) map 地圖

7) umbrella 傘
8) 唔明你問咩 可能你打錯

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