翻譯(20 點!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

2008-05-21 3:03 am
可唔可以help me to 翻譯 to 英文和一D有關田亮D資料

  1994年 全國錦標賽跳台冠軍
  1995年 美國國際跳水大獎賽男子跳台雙人冠軍
  1995年 美國世界盃跳水賽男子雙人跳台冠軍
  1995年 南京第3屆城運會男子跳台冠軍
  1995年 第9屆世界盃跳水賽男子雙人,團體,混合團體三項冠軍
  1995年 四國對抗賽跳台冠軍
  1996年 阿特蘭大奧運會男子跳台第四名
  1997年 第10屆世界盃跳水賽混合團體冠軍
  1997年 上海第8屆全運會男子10米跳台亞軍
  1998年 成都全國冠軍賽10米跳台冠軍
  1998年 曼穀亞運會冠軍
  1999年 新西蘭世界盃單人、雙人冠軍
  2000年 世界盃賽單人、雙人跳台冠軍
  2000年 全國冠軍賽單人、雙人跳台冠軍
  2000年 悉尼奧運會男子10米跳台冠軍
  2001年 世錦賽男子10米跳台單人、雙人冠軍
  2001年 第9屆全國運動會男子10米跳台冠軍
  2002年 釜山亞運會冠軍
  2002年 全國跳水冠軍賽男子10米跳台冠軍
  2002年 世界盃男子10米跳台單人、雙人冠軍
  2002年 全國錦標賽男子10米跳台冠軍
  2003年 世界錦標賽男子10米跳台第三名
  2004年 國際遊聯跳水大獎賽珠海站男子10米跳台冠軍
  2004年 第14屆世界盃跳水賽男子單人、雙人10米跳台冠軍
  2004年 第28屆奧運會男子雙人10米跳台金牌、單人銅牌

姓名:田亮(Tian Liang)

回答 (2)

2008-05-21 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Education background : University
Personal hobby: Automobile
The Olympic Games reports the famous project: Diving platform (single and double )
The best achievement: Men's 10 Meters diving platform champion of 2000 Olympic Games
Sports are gone through : The amateur sports school of the city began to practise diving in Chongqing in 1987, entered in the same year Sichuan Province team participated in and received training, entered Shaanxi Province team in 1990, was selected into national team in 1993.
Main achievement:
Diving platform champion of the national championship in 1994
International diving grand prix men's synchronized platform diving champion in U.S.A. in 1995
U.S.A.'s World Cup diving was comparable to the double diving platform champion of men in 1995

Asian Games champion in Busan in 2002
Championships Men's 10 Meters diving platform champion of national diving in 2002
Single , double champion of diving platform of the Men's 10 Meters of World Cup in 2002
Men's 10 Meters diving platform champion of the national championship in 2002
The Men's 10 Meters of World Championship is the third place of diving platform in 2003
The travel around world will unite the station Men's 10 Meters diving platform champion of Zhuhai of grand prix of diving in 2004
The 14th World Cup diving and single , double diving platform of 10 meters champion of match man of 2004
The 28th Olympic Games in 2004 man's double gold medal of diving platform of 10 meters, single bronze medal

Name: Tian Liang ( Tian Liang)
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Chongqing
Native place: Chongqing
The birthday: 1979.8.27
Blood group: A type
Height: 1.68 meters
Weight: 60 kilograms
The academic credentials: Undergraduate course
Project: Diving
2008-05-21 6:28 am
Education background : University
Personal hobby: Automobile
The Olympic Games reports the famous project: Diving platform (single and double )
The best achievement: Men's 10 meters diving platform champion of 2000 Olympic Games
Sports are gone through : The amateur sports school of the city began to practise diving in Chongqing in 1987, entered in the same year Sichuan Province team participated in receiving training, entered Shaanxi Province team in 1990, was selected into national team in 1993.
Main achievement:

2008-05-20 22:29:09 補充:
Diving platform champion of the national championship in 1994

2008-05-20 22:29:22 補充:
International diving grand prix men's synchronized platform diving champion in U.S.A. in 1995

2008-05-20 22:29:35 補充:
U.S.A.'s World Cup diving was comparable to men double diving platform champion in 1995
The 3rd men's platform diving champions of urban games in Nanjing in 1995

2008-05-20 22:29:44 補充:
It was double that the 9th World Cup diving was comparable to men in 1995, the group , mix three champions of the group
Championship diving platform champions of four countries in 1995

2008-05-20 22:29:52 補充:
1996 Aunars of Lanzhou University Olympic Games men's platform diving the fourth place
The 10th World Cup diving had a match and mixed the team title in 1997
Second place of diving platform of the men's 10 meters of the 8th National Games of Shanghai

2008-05-20 22:30:20 補充:
Name: Tian Liang ( Tian Liang)
Sex: Male
Birthplace: Chongqing
Native place: Chongqing

2008-05-20 22:30:25 補充:
The birthday: 1979.8.27
Blood group: A type
Height: 1.68 meters
Weight: 60 kilograms
The academic credentials: Undergraduate course
Project: Diving
參考: dr.eye

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:35:43
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