computer cannot boot up

2008-05-21 2:01 am
Urgent urgent
I am using winXP pro 2002 ser pack 2 with Intel P4 cpu 3.0 and 960mb ram
And mother board of asRock 775 duel

What happened first was (1) I on the power and press the on button on the cpu tower case,
Then the light of dvd rom lighted up for a few sec and off, the mon showed NO input signal.
I opened the cpu cover and on the mother board I switch the jumper from 1+2 to 2+3 and
Switched back to 1+2 . then it can boot up.
(2) this problem happened again on the following 2 days. But after I connected the broadband
And tried to click out a page from IE, it showed the yahoo home page for 5 to 10 sec then black out again
And showed NO input signal on the monitor.

Can anybody tell me why and how to fix it for good??

From IT idiot

回答 (1)

2008-05-21 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have encountered similar problems wth my computer before, and the solution (for me) is incredibly simple: replace the RAM(s). My computer runs on 2x 1GB RAM, and it broke down just because of 1 broken RAM. The guy from the service dept. replaced the broken RAM, then my PC started up as usual.

Hope this works for you. Good luck! :)

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