我個BB normal ma?

2008-05-20 6:32 pm
我個BB十幾日大重 7lb幾, 吃3-4 oz milk. 每一日都 sleep a lot. normal?

唔係吃 就係 sleep. 有時重不停cry, normal ma? 要注意D乜嘢?

3-4 oz milk every 3-4 hours! thanks.


thx 4 all answers! Very good!

回答 (2)

2008-05-21 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-05-20 7:08 pm
For the weight - it is good.
For the milk - you said 3-4 oz, but you did not say how many times a day. If the baby takes 5 times, it is okay.
Sleep a lot is good for baby to grow. no problem.

Crying is a normal behavior to a new baby, the old people say this lasts for 100 days. My 2 babies had this behavior (they are now 1 year and 3 year), it will be better soon. Be relax, the baby is normal. Of course, if you are worry about it, go to consult doctor.

If you do not have enough experience, you can ask for some experienced mothers, or read some baby magazines or books. There are many free resources in HK public library. Or you can go to the web site http://www.baby-kingdom.com. there are forums and experienced mothers who can help you.

Hope this help and God press your baby and family.

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