10點 - 請譯英文 (因要cc給外國人,請別用網譯,謝謝)

2008-05-20 6:18 pm
如果要將 360, 361, 363, 364, 365 這 5 款的貨期提早至 30/6, 必須要貴司作出相應的配合。現在還有一款樣板 365 送了到絲印工廠做印花還未收回來,請貴司幫忙叫絲印工廠盡快於這一兩天送回我廠才趕得上在星期四前寄出樣辦,而貴司必須在這個星期確認所有樣板我廠才可以開始進行大貨的生產。

另外,如要趕得上 30/6 的貨期絲印工廠必須要在我廠送去印花後的 5 天內完成及送回我廠,請知悉如印花廠遲一天交貨的話我司答應的貨期也會相應地推遲一天。

若果貴司能幫忙及答應上述事情,我們亦會盡力趕上 30/6 的貨期,請回覆確認,謝謝。

回答 (4)

2008-05-20 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If the shipment date of the five styles 360, 361, 363, 364, 365 is to be advanced to 30/6, your esteem company will have to coordinate accordingly. Currently there is still a sample of style 365 not yet returned after sending to the silk printing factory. We would like your esteem company help to urge the silk printing factory to return the sample to our factory by these two days so we can send it out by Thursday. Furthermore, your esteem company has to confirm all the samples this week before our factory can start mass production.

Moreover, if the shipment date of 30/6 is to be caught up, the silk printing factory will have to complete and return the sample in 5 days after our factory sent out the stamp. Please be informed that if the returning of sample from the silk printing company is delayed by 1 day, the shipment date for our company will also be delayed by 1 day accordingly.

If your esteem company can help and agree all of the above, we will do all we can to catch up with the shipment date of 30/6. Please reply to confirm on these.

Thank you very much.
2008-05-21 11:24 pm
#0001 is better than the 最佳解答
2008-05-21 12:58 am
If must 360, 361, 363, 364, 365 these 5 section of goods time ahead of time to 30/6, probably probably take charge of expensively makes the corresponding coordination. Now also had a section of model 365 to deliver has made the dye printing to the silk printing factory not to receive, please the expensive department help to call the silk printing factory to return to my factory in this 12 days only then to catch up with as soon as possible mails out the type Thursday ago to manage, but the expensive department must in this week confirm that all models I the factory only then might start to carry on the big goods the production.

Moreover, if must catch up with 30/6 goods time silk printing factory to probably after my factory sends to the dye printing in 5 days complete and return to my factory, please learn about the goods time which like printworks late one day of delivery I take charge of comply also correspondingly to postpone one day.

If expensive Si Neng helps and complies the above matter, we with every effort will also catch up with 30/6 goods time, please reply confirmed that will thank.
2008-05-20 10:04 pm
If the shipment date of the 5 products 360, 361, 363, 364, 365 has to be advanced to 30/6, your company will have to comply with the following. One of the product sample, 365, has been sent to the factory and yet returned. Please note the factory to send it back within 2 days so that we can be able to mail the samples out by Thursday. Please also confirm all the samples by this week so that we can start our production.

In addition, to make it in time for the shipment on 30/6, the factory has to complete within the 5 days the stamp is delivered. Please be informed that whatever delay at the stamp factory will cause direct delay in our promised date correspondingly.

If your company can conform with the above conditions, we will do our best to complete everything by the shipment on 30/6. Kindly reply to confirm.

Massive thanks.

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