[醫學疾病] 舌頭健康問題

2008-05-20 5:47 pm
~本人的舌頭生了兩粒好似" 墨"的東西, 一粒係好細的一細點, 另一粒係有3mm x 3mm 咁大 想問係咪正常架? 定係一d 毒野黎架? 請幫幫忙~~謝謝~~!!

回答 (3)

2008-05-26 4:44 am
Don't use anything to remove it. Go to see the doctor it would be alright, don't worry.
參考: from my heart
2008-05-20 6:47 pm
如果唔係因為咬損而形成的, 你都應該馬上去睇醫生
2008-05-20 6:05 pm
Did you bite your tongue or burn your tongue by some hot stuffs, like hot soup. Normally, it got burnt or bitten, the small粒 of your舌 will got swollen and sometimes bleeding, when the blood dry, it turned to dark colour. Do not worry, it will healed by itself within a weeks as long as you do not burn or bite it again.

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