想捐贈玩具比有需要的小朋友, 可以捐去邊個機構? Where should I donate my toys?

2008-05-20 8:13 am
我有一批全新玩具寫字板, 想捐贈比有需要的小朋友, 因玩具對兒童的身心發展有很大的正面幫助! 特別想捐贈比在發展中國家的小朋友, 因有感發達國家的小朋友已有很多物資...本地, 國內或國外的提意也十分歡迎!

I have over a hundred pieces of brand new writing board toys and I would
like to donate them to children in poverty or children in need, as I think that
toys are a very good tool and have positive effects on a child's development.

I particularly would like to donate them to children living in those developing countries as I have the feeling that children living in developed countries have already got sufficient resources of similar kind.

Please kindly advise me! I am open to any views! Thanks!

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2008-05-20 3:17 pm
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