Cutting my dog's nails?

2008-05-19 1:49 pm
My dog's nails are getting pretty long and they need to be cut. Now heres the thing, I am afraid to do it because I might cut into her quick and I don't want that to happen. She has absoloutely no problems with handling her nails because I just tried clipping the edge of one of them and she didn't even turn her head to see what I was doing so that is good. So can someone please tell me what to do? Should I just have them clipped at the vet or can someone explain in detail how her nails should be cut so I can do it alone? Thanks

回答 (13)

2008-05-19 2:27 pm
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Hello! I would take your dog in and have them done..A groomer's will be a bit less then a vet either way I would have them do it..In between nail trimming you could get a dremel to help keep the nails shorter.
參考: Pro Groomer 22 years.
2016-04-07 11:04 am
NO don't use regular clippers you may not know how far to cut the dog clippers have a plate that stops you from going to far and cutting the quik, siccors, %@#$ NO they could really mess a dog up one of my friends tried that and instead of clipping the dogs nails it slipped really fast turned the nail side-ways and the pup moved back and the siccors held on to the nail and it yanked the nail right out of the socket
2008-05-19 2:21 pm
We went to our vet to get his nails cut.

If you are too scared to do it, take her to the vet and have the professionals do it.

If you decide to cut them yourself, dont be scared. On the off chance that you do cut her, it will bleed like mad. Dont worry.. they dont feel a thing. Just get a mixture of water and sea salt and put it on the cut. Our vet told us to do this.

Good luck!
2008-05-19 2:01 pm
If you are nervous when you try to cut their nails, they will definitely pick up on your fear. I cut all of my Chihuahuas nails except for two, that won't let me do it. I take them to the vet or have my groomer do it. It costs me $8 which is nothing. They don't fight the vet or the groomer, and I don't have to worry about it!
2008-05-19 2:00 pm
Vets clip them for cheap like $10 or even if you are taking her in for something else my vet usually just clips ours for free during the visit. I also clip my dogs here at home, I find the best way for us is to first get them laying down and then I give them a treat and start baby talking to them and then clip away and when he trys to get away I just get him to lay again and start baby talking to him again. If you do decide to do it yourself..never yell at him!! It will upset him and make it alot harder than it should be.
2008-05-19 1:59 pm
You can do it alone but ask the vet just for the first time if you really need to
you can just use regular clippers and clip a bit off before the quick
2008-05-19 1:59 pm
Good job for recognizing that nails need trimming. I see so many dogs with mangled feet and early arthritis due to not clipping the nails.
Are her nails black or clear? If they are black really all you can do is get a feel for it after clipping a while. Clear are easier as you can see the blood vessels. Trim very little off every few days until her nails are no longer touching the ground. Each time you trim the nails, the quick will recede a little.
Those pages tell you everything you need to know with pictures. If you are still worried about hurting her take her to a vet or groomer but ask them how they clip nails. Some people will just cut the whole nail off and let the dog bleed.
Be aware if you do cut a quick it won't hurt her too badly. It's akin to cutting your own nails too short. Yea it hurts but it goes away quickly. Almost every dog owner has quicked their dog at least once. I do sometimes as well with my Staffy Bull, she has black nails and throws a TANTRUM. So occasionally she gets quicked but she never notices she has been quicked. (Which is why she should be throwing the tantrum...but alas it is just drama)
2008-05-19 1:58 pm
You can go to either a vet or a groomer and have them clip them and ask to watch.
It is only $5-10.

If you clip them yourself...make sure you have a GOOD pair of clippers (the ones they sell at walmart don't cut worth a crap!). You may also want to have a file so you can file down the sharp edges.

Another option you may want to try is a dremel tool. I have one for my nails but my dog absolutely hates it and wont let me use it on her. If you can get your dog to adjust to it, it's easier than a clipper, doesn't give you harsh edges and you can do a little at a time to make sure you don't hit the quick!
2008-05-19 1:57 pm
To avoid cutting the quick, you can buy a nail-grinder instead of clippers. A grinder is like a nail filer for dogs. I've noticed they're
somewhat hard to find (at least for me), So I'd ask your groomer about them and see what they recommend. Ask where you could get one.

It seems your dog is very patient with nail clipping. You may also want to try a nail clipper with a backing, which is a lot easier to find than a grinder. Clippers with backing basically tell you how far you can go safely. When your dog's nail hit the backing, clip, as Voila! No quick clipped.

Good luck!
2008-05-19 1:56 pm
I never ever cut my dogs nails myself...I did it one time and I cut too much and the dog screamed and bled. I take him to the Vet, she does it for free for me....or if I'm getting him groomed, they will do it there for me too.

I learned a hard lesson, I now let a Pro do it.
2008-05-19 1:56 pm
Clipping a dogs nails can be stressful and it can even be kind of hard if you don't know what you're doing. Especially if your dog has black nails. It is hard to explain over the internet. I would go to the library and pick up a book - I'm sure there would be pictures showing you where to cut. Or, you can take the dog to the vet to get them cut and the vet will show you how to do it.
2008-05-19 1:55 pm
The vet assistant will cut the nails for you for a price, i think $5 or $10 depends on where. But for long term better to learn do it yourself to avoid numerious trips and paying everytime. Doggy life time pretty long you know.
2008-05-19 1:54 pm
I just go to the vet and ask them to show you. I doubt that they will charge you.

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