MATH F.1 (Operation of Algebraic Expressions)

2008-05-20 6:11 am
what is the coefficient & constant term ?

回答 (3)

2008-05-20 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Coefficient is the number before a variable and constant is the number without any variable.
e.g.: x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x + 4 = 0
the coefficient of x^2 is 2 and the constant term is 4.
2008-05-20 6:55 am
constant term means a no without various unknown, like 2, 4, -7....
coefficient means the no of the unknown like, the coefficient of x in 3x is 3,
coefficient of x(square) in 4x(square) is 4
2008-05-20 6:29 am
coefficient系數,係某個variable(變數)所帶ge數字,恒常既積因子( constant multiplicative factor )
eg. in expression 2x+3y+11z+10

the coefficient of x is 2
the coefficient of y is 3
the coefficient of z is 11
the constant is 10

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