如何可作好英文作文!?pls help,20分

2008-05-20 3:04 am

回答 (5)

2008-05-20 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
我係過來人, 希望我自己既方法可以幫到你. 學好英文除左自己下苦工, 有個人提點下都好重要. 係短時間先改善作文問題最快既方法係作文之前先寫outline 所謂既outline 就係把你想係每一段既point 列出黎, 分好每一段要寫D 咩. 唔好怕寫OUTLINE 會浪費時間, 個OUTLINE 寫得愈好, 作文既時候會愈快, 因為你只係搬字過紙. 每段個格式係SEXY 即係 topic Sentence, eXplain, Example, Your own opinion. 當然, 仲要先寫INTRODUCTION, 一般先寫D 開場白, 然後把你諗好每段既TOPIC SENTENCE 寫係INTRO 話比人知你呢編野想講D 咩. 最後係CONCLUSION, 唔好再加新既POINT 係CONCLUSION, 總結你每一段既意思就OK.

要將個OUTLINE link 埋D point 做一編文章, 就要好好運用 linking words 同 adjective. 個人覺得睇報紙比較有效, 將唔識既字寫低, 寫埋佢地後面要跟D咩, 比如 depend 後面係跟on. 埋埋寫低有用既形容詞 好似 effectively, efficiently, mainly, significantly. 唔雖要用好難既字, 最好用簡單句子, 多用linking words, 好似first of all, also, moreover, furthermore, nevertheless, however, no doubt, in a nutshell, to sum up, in other words, thus, therefore. 咁樣一編作文就大功告成喇!

最好每次寫完 可以有個人幫你改下, 同埋話你知你邊方面寫得唔好, 咁樣就會愈來愈寫得好架喇~

2008-05-23 2:22 am

Who? When? Where? How? What?

Who=說明人物 例:I see a girl,her name is Mary.
When=說明時間 例:today .
Where=說明地點 例:She is in the park.
How=你的感想 例:I feel very happy because I can help people.
What=發生什麼事or你學到什麼:I learn help people can make people


2008-05-23 2:10 am
read english book
2008-05-20 3:27 am
睇多d英文書啦(廢話)- -
不過我到係作廢話姐- -
2008-05-20 3:27 am
Hi, i am just a form 5 student.My english and chinese are very poor.I think that i am going to retake the chinese.Even though my english is bad, i may still share my experience about learning english with you.you can also give me advice on how to improve chinese.
my english teacher said that reading is a good way to improve one's langauge ability.Whne I was in lower forms, I did follow their advice and read several english books.I first read some very think english books with very big words oneach page.As time goes by, I found thatd my English has improved a lot.Then I tried some thicker books.When I read the books, I also jotted down some English words that I did not understand. Even though my english is still very poor, it is better than before.
perhaps you should try the books written by roald dahl first if you think your english is vey poor then try the books wriiten by john grisham.I think that his story sometimes is quite hard to follow but while reading his books, I learn a lot of vocabulary.I am now reading one of his books a time to kill.i hope my advice helps.
can you please offer me advice on how to improve chinese?thanks.
參考: me from the heart

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