解夢 - 請各位高人幫幫手 (10分)
最近搬屋之後, 就成日都發埋哂d 好古怪既夢:
1) 夢到同d 親人去拜自己的爺爺, 但唔知點解要將佢個靈位搬去第二到, 但夢到果個地方自己未去過, 同埋好似o係d 學校既 locker 咁樣
2) 夢到同d 唔識既人, 去左佢屋企, 佢好似有d 精神問題咁, 佢買左份生日禮物, 係一個 "萬壽無薑" 既膠碟, 跟住包好左份禮物, 佢就由另一個朋友 / 家人氹佢訓左覺, 佢屋企有個婆婆, 坐左o係門口到, 咁我見佢訓左我就走, 同婆婆講 bye bye, 點知出到去搭笠, 就俾一個女仔跟左入o黎 (佢o係我上個朋友屋企既時候已經o係笠口到), 仲攞把 "介" 刀o黎打劫我, 一手俾我搶左, 我仲好似插左佢幾下 (唔 sure 有無插到)...跟住我就醒左喇~
希望有朋友可以幫我解下夢! 謝謝!
回答 (4)
✔ 最佳答案
Dream to a certain extent can reflect reality, your wants and your daily stress.
For the 1st one, it should be related to your current status of house removal. Also, it may mean that you are not familar with your new place and have a hidden sense of fear, therefore, it is reflected as "grave" in your dream.
Also, it can be explained as your dissatisfaction of the original place of your gradfather's grave, so that you have dreamt of a new place.
If you would like to have a more accurate explanation, you may need to rethink about what have happened surrounding you recently and your feeling towards your grandfather.
For the second one, it should be mostly related to life stress. Because of the insufficient information, we cannot fix about what kind of stress causing this dream. But from the illustration of the dream, you are chasing by smth in your real life and you want to find a way out, therefore you dream of a girl who chases you and you have the desire to kill her.
Also, in the second dream you have quite a clear description and it indicates that you remember your dream quite clearly. Usually, after human wake up from sleep, we would forget our dream. And if you have a clear memory of your dream, it also implies that your sleeping quality is not that good, may be caused by multiple reasons, such as life stress.
Hope that my answer could help you, but from the point of view of dream reader, it is needed for you to provide more information if you would like to have a better interpretation of your dream!
參考: I am a tarot and dream reader, psychology major in HKU.
this dream you need a guidance to lead your way and you are try to do something you think is not properly right things to do, may be about sex
grand par means the guidance (wisdom)
old lady is mortal and conduct and discilpine
the girl is your own projection, your wide side like angel and evil , your try to struggle, may be your boy friend request for sex but you know you are young and not a right things to do , but cant handle the peer pressure
or may be not about sex but some other things in similar situation
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:08:23
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