
2008-05-20 1:04 am

When you want to move another city, but you can’t make a decision, I recommend one city to you, it is San Gabriel. There are many Chinese. You can give two important things in your life. You can eat the most delicious food and see the Chinese Festival.
First, let me talk about eating. Because there are many Chinese, there are many Chinese restaurants too. I heard about the highest grade food is western-style food, but the wonderful food is Chinese food. You don’t worry about the food’s quality, You only worry about you choose what food to eat because Chinese food have more different style food, for example, Gugon Food, Sichuan Food and Shanghai Food. Its price are not expensive. You can find the restaurant easily. If you don’t believe, you must go there to see.
Secord, you can see the two important Chinese Festivals there. Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival are the main Festivals for. Do you know what is red pocket? What meaning of it? Do you know why people guess riddles? What is the meaning of this action? If you move there, you will give the answer there. This is a good opportunity to know Chinese culture.
In short, if you don’t believe me, it will be your missing. Don’t consider! San Gabriel is a good place for you because it has a strong Chinese atmosphere. Moving to it quickly!

我所得的平語:poor sentence structure makes your ideas difficult to follow ,add more sentence+poor editing!!!!

請各位高手幫我改寫篇文,合乎老師要求! 如果你們指出我的文法和用詞的錯誤加以糾正會更好!
我比較在意add more sentence!應該加d什麼句子?

回答 (2)

2008-05-20 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to move to another city and don’t have any ideas, I can recommend you a city. It is San Gabriel. Many Chinese are living here. You can try the most delicious food and enjoy Chinese festivals here.

First of all, let me talk about food. Since there are many Chinese here, many Chinese restaurants are opened. I heard about the highest grade of food is the western-style food, but the most wonderful food is Chinese one. Since the food quality is excellent so you don’t have to worry about it. You only have to consider what food to eat because there are different styles, such as Gugon Food, Sichuan Food and Shanghai Food, etc. The prices are not satisfactory. You can find the restaurant easily. (If you don’t believe, you must go there to see.)
Secordly, you can enjoy the two important Chinese festivals there. Lunar New Year and Lantern Festival are the main festivals for Chinese. Do you know what is red pocket and its meaning? Red pockets are little red envelopes with some money inside. According to tradition, people of younger generations will be given red pockets by the earlier generations. Red pockets symbolize good luck and blessings. Then, do you know why do people guess riddles? What does it symbolize? Riddles are questions on pieces of red paper under lanterns. They are similar to IQ questions. (你要说说點解D人会guess riddles 同埋riddles 嘅含義) If you move here, you will know more about them. This is a good opportunity to learn about Chinese culture.

Don’t hesitate! San Gabriel is an amazing city for you because it is full of Chinese atmosphere. Move to here right now!

2008-05-19 18:20:11 補充:
"我比較在意add more sentence!應該加d什麼句子? "
你有好多反問句 (e.g. What is red pocket?),在作文方面係好嘅,但係唔好忽略呢篇係要你介紹,你要明白讀者係一个白痴,咩嘢都唔知嘅!雖然你知道答案,但係佢唔知。你應該用設問句(e.g. what is red pocket? Red pocket is.......)要俾個答案人哋。

2008-05-19 18:20:19 補充:
1. "eating" 如果用嚟做noun就比較肉酸,應該改用meals, food (睇情況)
2. "Because" 盡諒唔好用做開頭,應該改用since, as
3.標示語: first of all/ fristly (first 係錯) secondly (second is wrong) thirdly fourthly fifthly......
4. "If you don't believe me, then come and see!" 呢d句子比較口語化同埋無作用,反而令篇文肉酸D。呢d句子可以唔愛

2008-05-19 22:09:38 補充:
Sorry, 打錯,應該係:
3.標示語: first of all/ firstly (first 係錯) secondly (second is wrong) thirdly fourthly fifthly......
參考: me
2008-05-23 9:41 am
第一段用first of all,...無問題...
除非你第一段用Firstly....跟著先可以係第二段用Secondly,...第三段用Thirdly..如似類推...如果唔係就用其他,第二段用What is more....第三段or最後一段...finally/the last but not the least...之類

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