
2008-05-20 12:53 am
我小女將升K3, 心大心細俾唔俾佢讀面試班, 請過來人俾意見!!
仲有, 有無邊間好介紹?

回答 (2)

2008-05-20 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My daughter will be P1 student in coming Sept, she interviewed 6 schools and 5 offer place for her and I never put her in those P1 interview class.

The most important is the daily conversation between you & your child. The interviewers will ask you some basic knowledge but they will also test the child reaction, some IQ test and asked the reason etc, depends of what school you apply.

Trust yourself & your daughter and save money.

Good Luck

2008-05-21 07:53:01 補充:
I meant the daily conversation is how you train your child to think including critical thinking, manner, how to raise a question to an adult etc.
參考: me & my daughter, me
2008-05-20 1:21 am
No it's nonsense ,they would usually ask u some question about maths chinese or english .面試班冇用. Just let her talk more with the others . that's fine

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