What is a bad friend?

2008-05-19 11:08 pm
What is a bad friend?

(100 words)

回答 (2)

2008-05-19 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A bad friend is someone who wants to be your friend just because he wants to get benefits from the relation with you. A bad friend does not care about your feelings and is not willing to share things with you.

When you encounter difficulties and need help from him, he just ignores you and does not help you at all. But when he needs help, he just keeps on asking you to help him.

Your secrets cannot be told to him as he will expose them to everyone. You cannot tell him any emotional problems of yours. When you do this, he just makes the situation worse.

He never understands you and never shows his concerns about you. He is selfish and does not have any position in your life.
參考: me
2008-05-19 11:30 pm
Different people having different idea of what is a bad friend, beside the friends that may lead you into trouble, or even asking you to do thing that will broken the law can call a bad friends. Bad friend also can be mean a lot different in different point of views, some people may believe that a bad friend will be the friends that at school which will always force them to skip school or class with them. Sometimes bad friend may even force them, to let them copy their homework or even worst some bad friends forced them to let bad friend copy their exam paper. However, no matter how bad they are, they are still friends. All you very can do is trying your best to help them back to the right way.
參考: Myself

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