急!! email回覆人地interview 時間英文應該點寫好?

2008-05-19 7:52 pm
有間公司用email 形式約我interview, 問我幾時上去佢office, 佢有留電話, 我應該打返電話俾佢好定覆email 俾佢好?
如果想有禮貌地回覆人地interview 時間, 英文應該點寫好?

回答 (2)

2008-05-19 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
筆者建議您最好先打電話confirm對方, 問清楚interview時間、地點、是否需要帶學歷及工作證明文件正副本和相片, 以及屆時報到的話要找對方哪一位同事(如人事部x先生或x小姐), 然後才用email回覆。

Subject: Re: Interview
To: XXX Company (your interview company)
Attention: Mr. xxx / Ms. xxx

Dear Mr. xxx / Ms. xxx,

Referring to your job interview invitation dated (the date that the company sent the invitation) and our conversation dated (the date you contact to the company), I confirm that I will attend the job interview of your company on (the date of interview) at (the time of interview).

Thank you for your consideration to my application.


(Your name)

希望可以幫到您, 祝面試成功!

2008-05-19 14:18:37 補充:
咁樣做法係比較令對方公司覺得您有誠意去見份工, 令對方可以有效和快捷地安排見工時間(因為但凡interview, 人事部需要約面試官和安排trading test, 如有的話), 以及令對方可以recap之前曾經寫過email給您的印象(因為筆者做HR時, 因為試過找不到有關candidate, 都會先出email, 然後叫番candidate打電話俾筆者confirm interview, 以及出email confirm)。
參考: Self Working Experience in HR Field, Self Working Experience in HR Field - Recruitment
2008-05-19 9:54 pm
Dear Sir/Madam (有名打名 冇咩就咁打)

Thanks for your e-mail and giving me the chance to have interview with your company!

I would like to suggest that on (星期幾) which is (日期) at (幾點), I will be available. I hope that the above time will not cause any inconvenience. Please send me back to approve the above time or any changes. Thanks!

Looking forward to your reply
Yours faithfully

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