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Please go to:
www.collegeboard.com, which is the offical website in US about going to university. You will find it helpful to your queries.
1) In US, all the students must take SAT in order to enter the accredited universities. Some accredited community colleges (AA degree only) do not require SAT, as long as you pass their entrance exam. I am not sure whether there is SAT exam for Hong Kong students (Is it TOFEL instead?). You can check it from the above website.
2) There is no relationship between SAT and GPA. They are separated. Some universities require high scores of SAT and also at least 3 GPA. Usually, if your SAT scores reach to each 550, that is fine.
3) There are two types of SAT. The common type is SAT REASONING TEST. The other one is SAT SUBJECT TEST. Some famous unversities require both exam, while others require only SAT REASONING TEST. If you mean SAT for (PHY, CHEM, BIO), that is SUBJECT TEST. After entering the university, if your major is Molecular Biology, you may choose BUSINESS, OR FINANCE, it is up to you; but it does not sound appropriate. Anyway, you can change your major after the 1st year.
2008-05-19 21:28:43 補充:
1. There is GPA system in all kinds of school in US, from elementary schools to high schools, community colleges, universities, etc.
2. You need at least 2.5GPA plus SAT scores in order to enter the accredited universities.
3. 3.9 GPA is quite high = average B
2008-05-19 21:37:14 補充:
4. GPA is an averaged scores for all the subjects you took at every semester. Suppose you got
Chemistry: C, Calcus: B, Biology: A, Statistics: B, the average might be: 3 GPA.
2008-05-19 21:43:36 補充:
You don't need to get the highest grade in the relevant subject s(if major in Molecular Biology),
suppose you got, Chem: C Biology: C, Trigo: B, Statistic: A, your average is 2.9 GPA, that is
fine. (D is a fail grade)- You need to retake the course, until you have passed the subject.
2008-05-19 21:49:23 補充:
If you still have questions, you can contact me through YAHOO EMAIL.
2008-05-19 21:56:45 補充:
SAT reasoning test includes English and Mathematics
Subject TEsts include various subjects, such as Chem. Biology, Physics.
You can take both exams for more than 1 time (about 5 times in a year), but it is better not to get more than 2 times.
2008-05-19 21:59:18 補充:
The universities will judge based on your highest scores you got. You need at least 2.5 GPA plus
SAT standard scores in order to enter the accredited universities. 3.9 GPA is quite high = B+.
2008-05-19 22:01:13 補充:
From the website, there are many accredited universities for you to choose from. Also you can go
directly to their website to see different requirments.