係香港Hong Kong做醫院Manager/Admin工(Health Management)有冇前途?

2008-05-19 6:15 pm
如果有美國 MBA 同 MPH 學位, 係香港 Hong Kong 做醫院 Manager/Admin 工 (Health Management/Administratio) 有冇前途? 難唔難搵工? 大約幾多錢一個月?

回答 (1)

2008-05-28 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The prospects of Hospital management is good in Hong Kong as the Government have put more and more emphasis on the development of Private Hospitals and Restructure of Public Hospitals. The salary for management level will be around HK$100,000 per month.

You may visit the HK government website.


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