
2008-05-19 1:12 pm
4.買車要買幾多cc的車 才可以?
6.其實大約買倍車 所有要用幾多錢?
幫幫忙 ^,^

回答 (3)

2008-05-23 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-05-19 9:30 pm
1) must issue car la, but the insurance is hight due to new license! you should both over 25 years old and have 3 years license so that insurance can be cheaper. Of course, you can ask you family/friends to help you to buy a car.

2) insurance and other fees if below 1500c.c. I guess you need between 8,000 and 10,000.

3) you can try try the car first if you want to buy, both new and second hand car.

4) in fact, you can buy a ferrari and lamborghini, 1500cc-2500cc is suggested, not to buy the large horse power racing car la

5) better buy toyota: Yaris(1300c.c) Corolla(1500c.c)

6) at least you need to use around 10,000

2008-05-19 13:32:44 補充:
6) should be at least 20,000
參考: personal knowledge
2008-05-19 2:18 pm
1 . 出到
2 . 要睇埋年齡 , 出咩車 , 牌齡 ~
3 . 要錢
4 . 睇下咩用途 , 如果代步 + 操車 , 1300cc ~1500cc 已經好夠啦 ,
去賽車咩 , 大cc 車用油好凶 ~
5 . 冇介紹 , 唔知你用途係咩 , 可以試下去D易手車網LOOK下
6 . 十幾年前我都學你咁 , 一考左牌心郁郁買部車抯下 , 開頭都用左幾萬蚊 , 之後先知養車唔易 , 又要油 $ , 又要停車場 , 基本保養 , 維修 ..... 一大堆野跟尾 ~

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