Survey: Are you a animal lover?

2008-05-18 4:20 pm
Cat or Dog person? I like both but only have 2 kitties right now.
I'm enough dog for the this house right now.


回答 (40)

2008-05-18 4:26 pm
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I'm both. Used to only be a cat person until I got my little wiener (dachshund), but I love my cat too. He totally rocks!
2008-05-18 4:28 pm
I love animals, but I love cats the best. Dogs spend too much time licking their balls.
2008-05-18 4:25 pm
Hi, I love dogs, hate cats!
2008-05-18 7:44 pm
I like animals more than I like most people. No....not in that way. When we got married 2 years ago, my hubby and I blended our 'families', so we now have 4 dogs, 4 cats, several marine fishtanks, 4 rats, a herd of goats, 3 donkeys, a small herd of cows, flocks of chickens and ducks, and 4 horses.
2008-05-18 5:04 pm
Yep, 100%!

Mostly a cat person. No room for a dog @ my house.
2008-05-18 4:28 pm
i love animals
i have 2 cats (black and a calico) and a dog (boxer/lab)
i would have more but my apartment is too small
one day when i have a big house i want an other dog (a rottie)
a billy goat and i would like to get an other bird..i had a cockatiel named kramer but he died mysteriously one day...i loved that bird...he was cool
growing up ive always had animals..
if i see a stray i cant help but take it in and find it a home
if i see a turtle on the road i will stop my car in traffic pick him up and bring him to safety
im a sag...if u believe in that sort of stuff our sign represents half human half animal...we r supposedly the keepers of the beasts
2008-05-18 4:27 pm
I have 2 cats, 1 black, 1 white
2 dogs, 1, 40 pound mixed breed and 1, 155 pound Rott.
I love them all very much.
2008-05-18 4:23 pm
Yes, yes, and yes. I have 2 dogs and 3 cats right and I think they are conspiring to give me a breakdown of sorts at the moment.
2008-05-18 4:23 pm
I simply love all kinds of animals!! I am a true animal luver!! I love both cats and dogs but I am more of a dog person. I have a pomeranian puppy and a kitten with caramel and white fur. They never fight and it's just very nice to see them play with eachother.
2008-05-18 4:24 pm
Yes I love animals. We have 9 cats and 2 dogs.

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