
2008-05-19 7:48 am
(1) 請問見工係先打電話去預約,定係直接到任何一間投注站問呢?

(2) 有關training既問題: training時會train d咩呢?係唔係好難過關嫁呢?有冇需要做1d事前功夫?



回答 (1)

2008-05-23 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The following is my experience.

1/ You may want to call them to arrange time for interview.

2/ You will learn how the computer system works, what different gambling rules are, e.g. how soccer bid can be placed, and more. You will be given a test after training. If you pass the test, then you will be offered a position, or else, you do not need to come again tomorrow.

3/ The working hours are shifting, since the schedule for horse racing, and other gambling schedule are not fixed.

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