f4 english

2008-05-19 6:53 am
我想請教1下 2 個英文字:
pet 同 companion 既分別係咩野??
我知 pet 係寵物, companion 係伙伴,
但係用 companion 黎形容 pet 又好似得bo,
但而家佢就問 2 者有咩唔同 (都係形容animal架wo)

回答 (2)

2008-05-19 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pet is an animal that you keep at your own house. For me, the term is
objective. However, when using the word companion, it means much more
than a pet, it means someone you love, someone you trust, and someone you
dedicate to. The feelings are mutual. Let say you can have several dogs but
there may be only one who is close to your heart. I guess there are lots of
emotional feelings involved. Basically, you treat him like a person, especially
in emotional wise.

2008-05-19 11:16:10 補充:
Pet is a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
參考: I have a dog who is my best companion.
2008-05-19 9:52 am
pet可以話一定係寵物﹐ companion不一定係
companion係一個伴﹐ 可以係人不一定寵物

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