
2008-05-19 1:05 am
大家知唔知d音樂家(如:貝多芬, 蕭邦等)既一d醜聞.....

回答 (3)

2008-05-26 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Beethoven - he visited, on numerous occasions, brothels. He had never been too straight forward about admitting his sexual relationships with prostitutes, and he was always very regretful afterwards.
Schubert - he died of syphillis, a sexually transmitted disease.
Chopin - probably had his first sexual experience around the age of 20 when he went from Poland to Vienna. Later when he arrived in Paris, the first thing he did was to look for a doctor for some embarrasing disease, which we can only assume the worst. This apparently affected him greatly, and even much later with his mistress George Sand, he was a rather cold lover in the bedroom (they slept often in separate rooms).
2008-05-21 4:29 am

參考: wiki
2008-05-19 5:27 pm
有本書叫做 - 音樂家的桃色風暴, 我買左, 但未睇

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