human Biology(ce code 152) and Biology(ce code 150)有咩唔同?20分

2008-05-19 12:56 am
human Biology(ce code 152) and Biology(ce code 150)有咩唔同????

回答 (3)

2008-05-21 3:04 am
其實human biology同biology係兩科唔同既科!
Human Biology係兩年前已經取消左,宜家已經冇得讀嫁啦!
兩科主要分別係plant個部份,Human biology係完全唔駛讀有關plant既野,但係biology就要!不過相對黎講,human biology就讀得比biology深D(係人個part)!
另一個講法就話human biology多數係D豬頭骨既科,多數讀呢科既都係女校,同埋係俾D文or商科D人讀既!

我以前cert讀過Human biology!
參考: 自己
2008-05-19 8:11 am
最直接既分別係human biology唔駛讀植物
2008-05-19 1:05 am
Biology is a branch of Life Science, and is the study of living organisms and how they react to their environment.

Biology deals with every aspect of life in a living organism. Biology examines the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living things.

It classifies and describes organisms, their functions, how species come into existence, and the interactions they have with each other and with the natural environment.

Human biology is an interdisciplinary academic field of biology, biological anthropology, and medicine which focuses on humans; it is closely related to primate biology, and a number of other fields. The human biology major was founded in 1970 at Stanford University .

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:42:09
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