
2008-05-19 12:41 am

Damping - the greater the value, the more high frequencies are removed in the course of late reverb, thus simulating wall and air absorbtion. If set to 0, no absorbtion occurs, which produces an unrealistic sounding reverb. If damping is set to 0, decay time to max and the x10 decay led is on,
the late reverb will be eternal.

Diffusion - controls the amount of echo density in the late reverb. If set to values closer to 0, the reverb will sound like an echo (an example is the 'Canyon' preset), if set to max the reverberation will be smooth. Gradually turning the knob down will make the echo sound more and more prominent.

Output Level - this knob controlls the overall output level of the ReverbStation. This level is indicated by the VU meter. When the value of 100% is exceeded, it acts as a gain, which can boost
the final level up to 300% of the original output. This allows fine tuning of the internal levels of the
reverb. If the level of the mix is too low, it should be boosted, if too high - it should be decreased.

Taps - in practical terms the taps control the envelope of late reverberation. If only the left-most tap knob is turned to full, the late reverb will come suddenly. If only the right-most, it will come smoothly and gradually. The other knobs act the same way, but more and more gradually from left to right. This allows good control of the late reverb envelope, desired in different situations. The best way to understand this is to examine the built-in presets.

回答 (1)

2008-05-19 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
阻尼-更大的價值,更多的高頻率是在拆除的過程中後期混響,因此,模擬牆和空氣吸收。如果設置為0 ,沒有出現吸收,產生一種不切實際的冠冕堂皇的混響。如果阻尼設置為0 ,則衰減時間,以最高和x10衰變導致的是,

擴散-控制金額迴聲密度在後期混響。如果設定為價值觀接近零,混響會聽起來像是一回波(其中一個例子是'大峽谷'預設) ,如果設定為最高混響將是順利的。逐步把旋鈕下降將使更多的迴聲健全和更加突出。

產量水平-這旋鈕控制的整體產出水平的r everbstation。這個水平是表示,由武米。當價值100 % ,是超過,它作為增益,這可以增加
最後一級高達300 %的原始輸出。這使微調的內部層面的


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