The ReverbStation is a reverb effect, which enriches the sound with spatial impression. It can emulate different types of virtual spaces - from very small rooms to huge halls, theaters and even some unreal spaces (since the decay time can be huge, even eternal).
The most basic but useful tip is to use the default presets, which come with the reverb as a base for building your own virtual spaces.
The controls
Input Level - controlls the input level. It should generally be at 100%. It is useful for more subtle control of the levels inside the reveb and for avoiding clipping.
Bandwidth - this is a low pass filter for the early reflections and late reverb. It does not affect the dry signal. It is used for simulating spaces with more absorbtive walls.
Early Reflections - they give spatial impression to the reverb, useful mainly for smaller spaces. This knob controlls their level in the signal mix.
Reverb - the level of late reverb in the signal mix.
Dry signal - the level of the dry signal in the signal mix.
Pre-delay - the delay after which the early reflections and late reverb will arrive. The greater the amount, the bigger the virtual space, since it takes longer for the signal to bounce off the more distant walls.
Decay Time - the time it takes for the reverb to decrease approx. 60dB.
x10 leds - both leds multiply the values of their corresponding knobs (the final values are shown in
the lcds). So if we want a pre-delay of 200ms, we switch on the led and set the pre-delay knob to 20.
Turning the knob while the led is on will keep the value multiplied. Switching the led off will imediately return the value to normal state.