Question relay to Social Responsibity

2008-05-19 12:16 am
What do you think are the possible factors that hinder small organization to take up higher level of social responsibilities in Hong Kong? Give example please.

I just thank the two point of cost and human, please give me three point to answer this question.

回答 (3)

2008-05-19 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. the boss will think :
My company is small, let the big Company take care those Social Respon.
My impact is small, let the big one do it.

2. The boss think :
Profit is very important to me, I am small, if no profit, I will not survive,
no time to consider those Soical Resp.
I better consider how to make more profit no matter its good or bad.

3. the Boss think :
People pay attention to big company, I am small, no one aware. So,
let me save my time on those.

I dont mean all small company bosses think like this, but some of them do.
2008-05-26 1:29 am
Corporate Social Responsibility is more pragmatic and deals with the key issues on which an organization exceeds its minimum required obligations to stakeholders and its relationship with its environment.

2008-05-25 17:29:56 補充:
As the small business are likely to operating in a single market, or at least limited markets. The founder have direct contact with the market place. Their values will have a strong influence on the level of social responsibility.
2008-05-20 4:45 am
Thank your answer, but I think it is not enough to answer my question.

2008-05-26 13:11:45 補充:
Thanks a lot

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