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The focal length of a magnifying glass is about 15~20 cm. This is for the convenience of using the magnifying glass to read printed materials like books and newspapers.
Yes. When used as a magnifying glass, the object must be located between the focus and the lens. Otherwise, the image that you see will be inverted.
The object is located at the focus of the lens at the situation that you described. The image is formed at infinity
In real practice, when the distance of the object from the lens is large compared with the focal length of the lens, the object can be regarded as at infinity.
For example, if an object is at a distance of 100f (i.e. 100 times the focal length of the lens) in front of the lens, the image is formed at 0.99f behind the lens. Hence, to a good approximation, the image can be treated as at the focus of the lens (for a magnifying glass of focal length 10 cm, the difference is only 1 mm, about 1%).
Therefore, the term [at infinity] can be interpretated, in the actual practice, as at large distance from the lens when compared with the focal length of the lens.
To take a sharp and clear photograph, the image must be formed at the focus of the lens.
Since the object (person or scene) to be photographed is usually at large distance from the lens (typical small digital camera has a lens focal length of 35mm, thus a person standing at 2 metres away, which is already 57 times the focal length, can be regarded as at infinity), thus the image is more or less formed at the focus of the lens.
The term [對準焦點] actually means to set the image, not the object, be formed at the focus.