
2008-05-18 10:29 pm

請問大韓航空,卡塔爾航空, 英國航空( 貴d)? 邊間好d, 安全d 呢??

回答 (8)

2008-05-19 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'd never fly British Airways - far too expensive and your bags would most likely be lost along the way. Unhelpful staff, never on time...the list goes on.
Qatar's been voted one of the better ones in recent years. Emirates from the same region is the best.
Korean Air - I heard alot of the airhostess don't really speak English.
I personally like Singapore Airlines, great service, great food. Emirates looks pretty attractive as well, they also have newer planes as well. Qatar has slightly older planes.
參考: Me
2008-05-26 8:45 am
Korean Airline is rather cheap
but there is not personal tv....
2008-05-23 5:33 pm
If I are you, I may choice Cathay Pacific because they can make a good fight. But I never go to French, you can choice Air France to go to France. Or you may choice Virgin Atlantic Air line.
In 大韓航空,卡塔爾航空, 英國航空 this 3, 英國航空 is the best but it is the most expensive one.
But remember your flight is very LONG, so you may chose a better one. Do not only think this one is cheaper so chose that one. You chose by yourself.
Hope I can give you a good suggetion.
2008-05-20 12:49 pm
揀英航啦(TEL:28229000)or air france幾抵,早晚各一班,www.airfrance.com.hk (TEL:25019433)你想一定成行又唔使等.梗係直接跟AIRLINES買啦
參考: 直接去office買(air france,british airways)
2008-05-19 1:39 am
Qatar is good - but because you will need to transit at Doha, take note of the transiting time. It is notorious for having super long layovers if you fly in from Asia.
My experience with BA is okay - but my experience with them is limited. Though it is already way better than those crappy American airlines... like United etc...
Singapore Airlines is definitely good! :)
2008-05-18 11:00 pm
Within these 3 arilines, I would prefer British Airways, then Korean Air.
2008-05-18 10:57 pm
參考: 自己
2008-05-18 10:33 pm
i like singapore airline

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