請幫我回答以下問題! (20分)

2008-05-18 10:22 pm
Write a litter to the Editor to advise people how they can clean their keyboards.

回答 (2)

2008-05-18 10:40 pm
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Dear editor,
I would like to to advise people how they can clean their keyboards

Shut down the computer and detach the keyboard connector before any cleaning procedure. Do not remove or connect a keyboard while the computer is running. Doing so may damage the machine, especially a non-USB based keyboard.

For a quick cleaning, turn the keyboard upside down and use a can of compressed air to blow out any foreign matter. Be sure to do this in a location where falling debris can be cleaned up easily. Turn the keyboard upside down and tap on it a few times. You should see a bit of dirt fall out. Change the angle and tap harder to make most of it get out.
Clean the sides of the keys with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol.

For a more thorough cleaning, remove all of the keys. Do this by gently prying up each key with a small screwdriver or a similar lever. When the keys have been removed, blow out any debris with compressed air. With a moist (but not wet) cloth, lightly swab all surfaces. Do not allow any type of fluid to enter the keyboard.
Clean the individual keys and place them back in the keyboard.
2008-05-18 10:41 pm
Write a litter to the Editor to advise people how they can clean their keyboards.

Computer keyboards can get dirty very easily when they are not properly taken care of. Stores sell compressed air and cleaning products to help you clean your keyboard. Many people have their own way of cleaning their keyboards, but most people usually just flip it upside down and shake it. Those who do spend money on compressed air or cleaning products, you are wasting money and time. Compressed air won't always give you a thorough clean because most of the dirt is trapped underneath the keys. The air does blow out some dirt; however it creates more of a mess for you to clean up.

In this guide I will show you how to thoroughly clean you keyboard with some simple household items. When you reach the end of this guide, your keyboard should look as clean as it was the day you bought it. A quick reminder for everyone who follows this guide: I cannot be held liable for any damage that is done to your keyboard. If you follow the directions and do it correctly and carefully, your keyboard will work perfectly fine.

First, shutdown your computer and unplug the keyboard. Remember which socket you unplugged the keyboard from so that you can easily plug it back in. Next, I suggest you find an open area to work; one that is not crowded.

Now, take a picture of your keyboard or write down where the keys are located. You will need this as your reference when putting the keys back in the keyboard, unless you have a photographic memory?

I hope I can help you!

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