
2008-05-18 10:05 pm
please help me,,我真係唔知要點做呀!!

我做緊management功課,,我要做既係social environent同technological environment,,麻煩幫下我呀~~



回答 (2)

2008-05-19 3:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What HK economy development need and plan for :
the U need to provide education that match the need of the society
eg. CU has create a Tourism and Hotel Management to match the need
of such personnel in HK/China.
On the other hand, the Pure Science subjects in Hk has difficult to
develop. No factories in HK, no Basic Science research in HK,
so, no students.

2. What other U in Developed Countries are working on :
Oversea U has Envirnoment Courses, so, U in HK need to react...

3. China U developments
U in China are developing very fast, U in HK need to find ways for
cooperation with them.

4. Management / Executive Education
China business and eco is growing very fast, many U open their campus
inside China to provide the education to Mangement, business side.
Like Executive MBA, management Courses etc..

5. Social Norm
The society is open to Sex discussion, and open to mental health,
so, we need our U to answer them .
2008-05-19 12:12 am
The key trends here are:
Demographic change. In Hong Kong, the birth rate are declining. This age of population affects demand for the educational services.
Gender roles. The role of woman has changed substaintially over the past two decades. The number of women demand for the high level of education has steadily increased. This factor should be taken into account for the management of each university before they decide their direction of education.
Patterns of work. The nature of work has changed and is continuing to change. People should be need more skills and knowledge to secure their employment. Demand for continue education for people in working has been increased in the past decade.
Information and communication technology has changed the structure and nature of work. They are lowering the barriers of time and place and open up great opportunities.
The skills requirement of most jobs have been changed, the traditional jobs are no longer exist. As a result, educational institutional should create another new courses to cope with the changing working environment.
Also, educational institutional should face high competition as the customers could be easier to get information through the web site and other channels.
In turn, they could create opportunities through the changing technology to promote their university efficiency and effectiveness.
參考: PESTLE analysis

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