故事簡介 of The Magician's Nephew ( English )

2008-05-18 9:19 pm
簡單地敘述魔法師的外甥的故事簡介,要英文,最好加埋感想! ( 50-100 words )好急,勁急,超急.... 麻煩哂 ! 唔該!

回答 (1)

2008-05-18 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Magician's Nephew, is a gorgeous introduction to the magical land of Narnia. The many readers who discovered C.S. Lewis's Chronicles through The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe will be delighted to find that the next volume in the series is actually the first in the sequence--and a step back in time. In this unforgettable story, British schoolchildren Polly and Digory inadvertently tumble into the Wood Between the Worlds, where they meet the evil Queen Jadis and, ultimately, the great, mysterious King Aslan. We witness the birth of Narnia and discover the legendary source of all the adventures that are to follow in the seven books that comprise the series.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:47:01
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