
2008-05-18 8:28 pm

I did my homewoek after I had my lunch.



回答 (3)

2008-05-28 5:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“after I had my lunch?” present perfect tense? past perfect tense?


The structure of present perfect tense is = “have” + “verb in participle”
The structure of past perfect tenses is = “had” + “very in participle”

I did my homework after I had my lunch. < - It is just simple past tense.

The verb tense did not specify which actions took place first. The conjunction “after” stated the order of actions.
The sentence simply shows that both actions completed in the past, and that is all about it.

2008-06-01 12:48:37 補充:
any perfect tense has to be in the form of "have/ had + verb", genious!!
can you lean me your grammar book for me? I really love to read it. It is really a very new subject for me.
2008-05-27 8:39 pm
點解係past perfect??
又唔係had had
e個唔係simple past咩
2008-05-18 8:59 pm
1. First of all, you are not using 現在完成式 (present perfect tense).
2. “after I had my lunch” is a past perfect tense.
3. Lunch is not 時間, it is just an action which can indicate the time.
The reason why you are using past perfect tense is that :
You had lunch first, then you did your homework. – Both actions took place in the past. In order to tell which action was the first and which was the second, you use “had” which is past perfect tense to tell the sequence of time.].

2008-06-01 07:25:59 補充:
After I had my lunch – past perfect tense – because we are talking about something just happened.

This is one rule for present perfect or past perfect tense. You can look up in your grammar book and see the definition.
參考: Myself

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