
2008-05-18 8:05 pm
I will try more best in/on work in next year.


同埋用in work還是on work好?.?


回答 (2)

2008-05-18 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Although many people use “I will try my best”, this is a wrong sentence in terms of meaning. What you want to say is actually “I will do my best”. Trying is not what you want to say, you really want to do it !
2. You can 不加in before next.
3. Both in work or on work are not correct. It should be “at” work
4. If you want to stress more, you can use the word “effort”
Therefore, your sentence should be changed to :
1. I will do my best at work next year.
2. I will put more efforts at work next year.
參考: Myself
2008-05-18 8:10 pm
Yes~!!!!Is Ok

I think in work!!!!!!

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