Why does it feel like the world is against me?

2008-05-17 3:02 pm
In general people dont seem to accept me for who I am, Why? This include older elderly people, younger people, my family? I work hard, put others above me, am 22,asian. I I talk to people and people do talk to me, but usually get ignore and get left alone. These stuff happen to me since i was 17. I tried to endure all these years, hopefully im finding someone who really understands me. 2 years ago I found someone (who was abit of a golddigger) who does but eventually broke me to pieces one year later, only to leave me with massive mixed feelings. Even though that happened I tame these feelings time to time but i feel that it' only making these feelings much stronger.
I worry because its taking a toll on my health, mentally and physically. I feel like im becoming crazy and more spiteful each day that goes by..

回答 (5)

2008-05-17 3:16 pm
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Hey huni, firstly it does seem like your having a hard time. What i generally say isnt coated with sugar so dont take offence if i say something you don't like. You seem like a nice enough person, and everyone goes through stages were they struggle to come to terms with life in general. I can't answer why these people don't like you or you feel as though they don't like you. But you can resolved these isues by talking to those people such as family and friends. Girlfriends come and go sweety, not every relationship will work out for the best and quite frankly a lady who just wants you for your money is not wanting you for the person you are. Theres plenty of other woman who im sure would love to make aquatence with you, by the sounds of it your confidence has been knocked a little and maybe this is partly why you feel like you do. Perhaps a little humiliated and isolated. My advice to you is open up a little to those around you, even if you dont want to open up to someone close. If you feel you are being affected by this mentally and pyscially then i would suggest you go and see your doctor who may pass you onto a councellor or you can go into walk in centres and speak to a councellor if you dont feel up to going to the doctors at the moment.

If you are being treat the way you say you are then these situations can make some one feel depressed, spiteful, bitter and resentful towards others. Thats why it is better to get things off your chest rather than holding it in, your bubble is bound to burst one day, but you want it to burst when you have the right help around you.

You sound like a hard worker, maybe take a little time outta your work, go on holiday, take a travel trip, meet new people from around the world. This may boost your confidence and give you something to work towards.

Things will get you down, but you will only become stronger from this i guaruntee. Remain strong and positive, be open and get yourself some help with your health.

Take care sweety and keep smiling. Your life is the way you make it xxx
2008-05-17 10:13 pm
i notice that ppl accept ppl that think they wonderfull..its as if every one wants to be around Mr and Mrs Jones(if you knw wot i mean)ppl that are open and honest and sensetive are just too boring for the rest of the world...shows how sick this world is...you need to love and accept yourself and to hell with everyone else...easier said than done but give it a go anyway
2008-05-17 10:08 pm
hey mate, you sound like a really good guy. I remember when I was 22 and I felt similar to you. The thing is, you don't need to worry about what people think of you, rather what you think of yourself. It took me years to work that out; but when you get it... when you start liking yourself more, you relax, and the relationships become easier.

For now, just be a bit selfish and focus on making yourself happy.
2008-05-17 10:10 pm
I'm sure the world is not against you~
2008-05-17 10:08 pm
Maybe you got bout of depression

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