Air conditioner size

2008-05-18 1:39 am
I want to ask which air conditioner(window type) can fixed the following size.
height:500 cm
width:640 cm
deep: 540 cm
Note: except Samsung

回答 (1)

2008-05-19 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
height: 349 cm
width: 457 cm
depth: 581 cm
General AK088A 7,170BTU
height: 345 cm
width: 470 cm
depth: 610 cm
Hitachi RA08JF2 7,510BTU
height: 346 cm
width: 450 cm
depth: 580 cm
Panasonic CW-C78JA 7,100 BTU/h

Samsung AW07PHA size


height: 360 width: 505 Depth 460

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 23:52:41
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