chemistry ---urgent

2008-05-17 8:40 pm
Name and calculate the formula mass of the each of the following ionic compounds:
(a) AgCl
(b) ZnO
(c). (NH4)2CO3
(d). Na2SO3
(e). Cu(NO3)2

回答 (1)

2008-05-17 8:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) AgCl---Silver chloride
formula mass: 107.9+35.5=143.4

(b) ZnO---Zinc oxide
formula mass: 65.4+1=81.4

(c). (NH4)2CO3---Ammonium carbonate
formula mass: (14+4)*2+12+3*16=96

(d). Na2SO3---Sodium sulphite

(e). Cu(NO3)2---Copper(II) Nitrate
formula mass: 63.5+(14+16*3)*2=187.5

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