Organic Chem Study Problem

2008-05-17 9:34 am
Can u tell me how can I leran organic chem (university level) in a better way? do i need revise my A-Level Chem? But I always find they are un-related.

Can u tell me how do we identify a chemical cpd from its structure? I always find it very difficult to deduce the properties from the structure.

Also, can u tell me how do I be able to say wt reactions will come out just from the structures of compounds?

Can u give me a suggestion to study org. chem and be able to deal with any stuff in the field of biochemistry?

回答 (1)

2008-05-20 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
基本上, 你必須先懂 A Level 最基本的反應原理, 例如
Alkenes 的反應多 electrophilic addition, 會produce carbocation, 繼而 produce a racemic mixture.
Alkyl halide 的反應有nuclophilic substitiution 和 elimination, 兩者必定同時發生, 只是多或少的問題, 何時前者多, 何時後者多, 是1 st order reaction 或是 2nd order reaction 或兩者同時進行, 會prodcue cis- trans- isomer? 會produce pure chiral product or a pair of optical isomers? ratio of concentration of products? 有哪些因素決定? 這些如你的 A Level 學得好的話, 你U yr 1 必定掌握得到.
要 identify a chemical, 應熟悉各 functional groups 之特性及反應, 然後要熟悉 IR/MS/NMR spectra 的解讀法, 才能掌握.
其實你必須融會貫通, 不是讀表面的書, 你需要有人深層教你, 把各樣散亂的知識融合起來.
你現在哪兒讀? 如有需要, 可電郵我.

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