
2008-05-17 8:18 am
.他們的年紀大部分在25到30歲之間,有的是已經在台灣娶老婆了,有的是美語公司派來工作的,他們的故鄉有的是在英國有的是美國分別來自不同的國家 ,很感謝他們的幫助,讓我們順利的完成報告.

回答 (4)

2008-05-17 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Throughout the report the course of his visit, in order to smooth the visit to foreigners, we identified a number of American English nurseries or kindergartens, they have to go out for lunch, we used to the fastest pace in front of them and asked them a few problems And they are very enthusiastic to help us answer, we spent no grammar in English in addition to our body language, it is the expression of our efforts to ask the question, but we found that the language of the original limb is very important , Jiu operator they do not listen to understand what we really want to ask «But to see our body language they understand.
For their age in the majority of between 25-30 years old, some are already married his wife in Taiwan, the United States and some language sent by the company, some of their hometown in the United Kingdom some of the United States were from different countries, very grateful for their help Let us smooth completion of the report.
2008-05-18 2:46 am
候選編號 002的翻譯有文化上的錯誤
We make use of aweful English plus body language to express ourself.
make 係Verb 如果+use 要加連接詞
而 plus 用在數學/計算上才用 ,應該用and 代替
express ourself意思係表達自己,應該要寫表達自己的問題
Right answer: express our questions
改寫We use of without grammar English and body languages to express our questions.
2008-05-17 6:53 pm
In the entire report visit process, for could the smooth visit
foreigner, we lock some beautiful language nurseries or the preschool,
had to egress when them ate the lunch, we use the quickest speed to
them in front of, how many questions asked their, but they were also
unusual warm-heartedly help us to reply, we used the grammar English
again not to add on our body language, very diligently expression we
had to ask question, however we discovered, the original body language
was very important, rented calculated what they did listen not greatly
to understand us really to have to ask? But saw our body language they
have understood Their age majority of in 25 to 30 years old
between, some were already marries the wife in Taiwan, some, their
hometown which was the beautiful language company sends to work has
was in England has is US respectively from the different country,
thank their help very much, smoothly let us complete the report
參考: me
2008-05-17 8:54 am
The target group of the report is mainly for western people whom was located at English nurseries and kindergartens. Short interviews was made during their lunchtime and they were welcome to answer our questions. We make use of aweful English plus body language to express ourself. Actually, they didn't know what we said but they showed understand and able to grape our meaning. We thought that body language was important during the interview, and it did work.
Their age is around 25 - 30 and have been married in Taiwan. They are mainly from American Company and stationed here for working purpose. Some of them come from UK as well as USA. We deeply appreciated their kindness so that the report was completed smoothly.
參考: just try hard to help.....by myself

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