Not sure what kind of plant is growing?

2008-05-17 3:23 am
I have a massive bed of tulip plants (or at least I think they're tulips...) but I'm having trouble figuring out why they look so different from other tulip plants I have. The plant itself looks almost like a cactus or as if it's related to hens and chicks (it's two broad leaves that look like blown up artichoke leaves, and the tulips have risen out of the middle. Are these tulips? If so, why does the plant look so much different than traditional tulips?

回答 (3)

2008-05-17 6:53 am
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Some tulips have broad, floppy leaves, while other varieties have narrow, erect leaves. Yours are definitely tulips, if the flowers look like tulips.
2008-05-17 11:50 am
You're really going to have to take a picture. Best way to help you identify it.

At any rate, there are lots of different types of tulips-peruse these and see if any match.
2008-05-17 7:14 pm



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