Why we don't have a good English environment in Hong Kong?

2008-05-17 4:59 am
Why we don't have a good English environment in Hong Kong?
And why Hongkonger's English is becoming worse?
And why Hong Kong's english textbooks is much easier than other places?

the 002 answer you said people only can learn 1 to 2 languages in the same time is the best? and why singapore can learn 4 languages are also their english is very best? and HK and singapore are also a British Colony in the past? And HK and singapore are also the society of 華人?

回答 (2)

2008-05-17 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
The good English environment has decreased in recent years because of the lost of opportunity to use proper English. The increasing use of MSN, ICQ and other electronic communication devices has provide HK people to use English but for the convenience and efficiency, people start to use simple English like “c u tmr”. People do not remember the spelling of the work and the function of remembering words in our brain also reduce its ability to remember words. So the HK people’s English is getting worse and worse.
Due to the low ability of learning English, the English textbook publisher has to easier the syllabus as to let HK people to learn English

Hope I can help you
參考: Myself
2008-05-17 9:36 am
Why we don't have a good English environment in Hong Kong? Because HK is the place of China, the mother tongue is Chinese.
why Hongkonger's English is becoming worse? Because HK ppl have to learn Mandarine, Cantonese and English at the same time, only the smartest ppls can handle all of them perfectly. normal ppl can handle 1-2 languages at the same time. so most of their English is getting worse.
why Hong Kong's english textbooks is much easier than other places? Because the standard of English in HK is getting worse, an English textbooks cannot be up to standard, otherwise HK ppl cannot understand.
hope it can solve ur question.

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