
2008-05-17 3:29 am
呢間野講就好聽...今日我去左 INTERVIEW
佢分開左3PARTS, 第一係介紹佢地公司;第二要人人自我介紹;最後就係個人試
我3點7 去到..佢4:30 先開始..介紹自己間公司都要講到5點幾
成5:30 先開始第一個人INTERVIEW...




回答 (6)

2008-05-26 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Brother, just take it easy.

I once applied for a big local Bank organization in Hong Kong. I had had to pass 3 interview. The first interview was simply to visit their main office to fill in a form, and ask you some questions, which took me about 5mins. However, I had waited for nearly an hour for the interview.

Second interview was better. I just needed to wait for 38 minutes, and it took me less than 10 minutes for the interview.

Finally, I got replied from the Bank for 3rd interview 23 days after the 2nd interview. Certainly, I got the job offered, and I am still working in this local Bank too.

If you think that the organization is well-known and good, then you wouldn’t expect the interview is simple and easy. It will take longer than a small or medium size of organization.

You should try to think from the point of view of the organization. There are having several hundred of candidates, and there is having limited man-power on human resources department. How would you expect that they can process all application within days?

Just be patient and wait if you think that the position offered is worthwhile. Or else, you may apply for other organization.
2016-08-07 5:04 am
2008-05-20 5:50 am
2008-05-17 7:21 am
點解你咁講? 你冇得second in 咩?
2008-05-17 3:39 am
暑期(6-8月份)是美容瘦身的旺季, 造成大量空缺,
約見只要20-30 分鐘,
有意者 92320740 陳生
2008-05-17 3:33 am
你講乜春? =''=xDD
參考: 你講乜春? =''=xDD

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