
2008-05-17 12:15 am
高速駕至交通燈前, 發現紅燈變了色, 但吾明當中的理論?

回答 (3)

2008-05-17 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, this cannot happen in reality. It is just a joke.

Suppose you are driving at 200 km/h in a Porch sports car, using the Doppler effect equation, the expected change of wavelength dw of the red colour light is given by,

dw/w = v/c

where w is the wavelength of red light (= 700 nm)
v is the speed at which you are approaching the traffic light
c is the speed of light (= 3 x 10^8 m/s)

we would have, dw = [(200/3.6)/3x10^8] x 700 nm = 0.00013 nm

The red light as seen by you only decreases from a wavelength of 700 nm to 699.999 nm, a change that is hardly observable by normal human eyes.
2008-05-23 2:05 am
2008-05-17 2:07 am
so你會覺得個wave ge wave length 短咗...
唔同顏色有唔同ge wave length

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