
2008-05-16 11:29 pm


回答 (2)

2008-05-17 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 八珍豆腐煲
2. 東江豆腐煲
3. 海皇豆腐更
4. 豆腐芝士蛋糕
5. 臭豆腐
6. 煎釀豆腐
7. 豆腐花
8. 皮杷豆腐
9. 麒麟豆腐
參考: me
2008-05-17 12:38 am
豆腐 1盒 Tofu 1box(350g)
皮蛋 2只 Preserved egg 2
葱 1條 Spring onion 1stalk
芫荽 1棵 Coriander 1spring
肉鬆 100克 Pork floss 100g
蠔油 2湯匙 Oyster sauce 2tbsps
熟油 2湯匙 Cooked oil 2tbsps
麻油 2湯匙 Sesame oil 1tbsps
做法 Method:
1. 把豆腐原件隔水蒸 5分鐘,取出。
Steam the tofu for 5 minutes. Remove and drain.
2. 皮蛋去殼,切粒;刴碎葱及芫荽。
Shell the eggs and cut them into cubes; chop the spring onion and coriander.
3. 豆腐切粒,上碟,灑上蠔油、麻油及熟油,排上皮蛋,灑上肉鬆,最後以葱及芫荽點綴。
Cut tofu into cubes and transfer to a serving plate. Pour some oyster sauce,sesame oil and cooked oil over. Arrange the preserved eggs and sprinkle the pork floss. Finally, with spring onion and coriander.

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