information session and admission test

2008-05-16 11:05 pm
我剛剛收到個e-mail----jupas invitation: CityU,Department of Information System....
佢invites我attend information session and admission test,但係 information session 係會講d咩架?等於talk 嗎?
另外,個admission test...test d乜???

我要在18/05 12點時回覆這個e-mail..

咁個test通常會問d咩架?? PS::但係我冇讀過CIT or other subject that related to computer......

回答 (1)

2008-05-17 4:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Information session usually will give you information related to their school and their program. Sometimes they will have Q&A, so you can ask question. For admission test, it a test to determine if you will be qualify for the program. Hope this helps.
參考: Me

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