
2008-05-16 8:18 pm
ifyou could be anywhere, where would you be?

I wish to be invisibly flying in sky, but I do not have to use too much strength to move my wings. I wish I could 不用力, 卻又能隨意地fly.(<----這裡我不懂如何轉做英文). I wish I could enjoy 那重空間感, and looking at the people, animals and scarp in little size under me.

Also, I wish I could walking on the surface of the sea, feeling the wave moving under my feets, and feeling the fishes swimming through the sea. I could see the fishs with beautiful shape through the surface of the sea which has high transperantcy.

回答 (1)

2008-05-16 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I wish to be invisibly flying in sky
My suggestion : I wish I could invisibly fly in sky

不用力, 卻又能隨意地fly.(<----這裡我不懂如何轉做英文).
My suggestion : I wish I could fly effortlessly, and to wherever I want.

I wish I could enjoy 那重空間感
My suggestion : I just love the feeling of no boundary. OR I just love the feeling as free as a bird.

in little size under me
My suggestion : in SMALL size beneath me.

My suggestion :
Also, I wish I could STROLL on the sea, feeling the wave moving under my feets (Feet 已經是多數), and feeling the fishes (我假設你知道Fishes 是指好多種類的漁, 而不是指很多條漁) swimming through the sea. I could see beautiful fishs (fishes) in different sizse and shapes through the crystal clear water.

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