Business Law Assignment

2008-05-16 7:46 pm
Business Law Assignment : 幫幫手 詳細少少解釋
Sam offered his car for sale to Peter for $50,000.00 giving him seven days to make up his mind. On the seventh day, Peter wrote to Sam saying that he would give $40,000.00 for the car and if Sam were agreeable he was to drive the car to John’s Garage. Peter added: “If I don’t hear to the contrary, I will consider the car mine”. Sam arranged for the car to be driven to John’s Garage, but peter has not paid for or taken delivery of the car and now seeks to escape liability.
Advise Sam .

回答 (1)

2008-05-21 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先,Sam 既$50,000.00 係一個offer to Peter not invitation to treat, 因為佢係appears to be an offer is made to one specific person (Peter) it would consitiue an offer 唔係made to a group of people (invitation to treat).
而Peter既$40,000.00 係一個counter offer. 而且有哂Duration of an offer(If I don’t hear to the contrary, I will consider the car mine”).
但係咁,acceptance cannot be deemed or assumed同must be communicated to the offeror.所以亞Sam又冇理由自己冇通知人accept就arranged for the car to be driven to John’s Garage.
所以,Peter又冇需要paid for 個delivery.

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