
2008-05-16 5:19 pm
本人阿哥45歲, 最近佢成日頭痛,

回答 (7)

2008-05-16 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, your brother definitely has a high blood pressure reading. One high blood pressure ready does not necessarily indication hypertension. A diagnosis of hypertension requires at least 2 to 3 high blood pressure ready by a physician. Blood pressure can be affected by many factors in our live. Some non-modifiable risk factor includes age, race, and family history. Other modifiable risk factor (things that you can control) are overweight, inactivity, smoking, high salt intake, low fruit and vegetable intake, excessive use of alcohol, and stress.

Taking an accurate blood pressure requires the person to be sited at least 5 minutes ahead of time.

In the mean time, the best approaches for your brother are to reduce his sodium intake, avoid smoking and drinking (alcohol), and reduce stress. He can keep a blood pressure diary. It is just a piece of paper or booklet to keep track each of the blood pressure readings along with time and date. It is the best for your brother to take his blood pressure at the same time everyday (because blood pressure do changes throughout the day). The blood pressure diary can assist your brother and his physician to keep track of his blood pressure and changes his plan of care accordingly.

Normal Blood Pressure would be less than 120/80 for both top AND bottom number
High Blood Pressure would be greater than 140/90 for either top OR bottom nubmer

I also agree with the previous post, see a doctor is recommended. A prolong high blood pressure may lead to other life-threatening diseases.

Hope the best to your brother. =)
2008-05-18 4:55 am
康寶萊公司與1998年諾貝爾醫學獎得主Dr. Louis Ignarro
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2008-05-17 8:36 am
1998年度諾貝爾醫學得主LOUIS IGNARRO 博土
NITEWORKS, 助您強化心臟及血管健康, 提升睡眠質素,
調節生理機能, 提升青春活力, 從而減輕患上心臟及血管栓塞的機會, 促進身體健康, 絕對是信心之選.

網站改善身形, 健康, 體重控制, 細胞營養, 美容護膚.
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TEL: 93227176
2008-05-16 5:59 pm
如果個血壓計冇壞, 你吔又正確使用, 咁你呀哥血壓係熟於高, 可能要食藥控制.
年紀越大, 有血壓高的風險就越高, 140-160就一定要睇醫生.
2008-05-16 5:39 pm
當然係高!要係上壓 140 / 下壓 90 以下先至係安全。叫你阿哥快去睇醫生做身體。長期高血壓會導至心臟病,中風,腎症,亦同時係糖尿及高膽固醇的病徵。

正常血壓:收縮壓<120mmHg 且舒張壓<80 mmHg
高血壓前期:收縮壓 120~139mmHg 或 舒張壓 80~89 mmHg
第一期高血壓:收縮壓 140~159mmHg 或 舒張壓 90~99 mmHg
第二期高血壓:收縮壓≥160mmHg 或 舒張壓≥100mmHg

1. 新生嬰兒
 正常 上壓 80 / 下壓 46

2. 青少年
 10-11歲 上壓 111 / 下壓 58
 11-12歲 上壓 113 / 下壓 59
 12-13歲 上壓 115 / 下壓 59
 13-14歲 上壓 118 / 下壓 60

3. 成年人 / 老年人平均數值:
 21-25歲 120/72
 26-35歲 127/77
 36-40歲 130/78
 41-45歲 132/79
 46-50歲 135/80
 51-55歲 138/82
 56-60歲 140/84
 61-65歲 145/86
 66-70歲 150/88
 71歲以上 160/90
2008-05-16 5:34 pm

2008-05-16 09:36:13 補充:
參考: 本人
2008-05-16 5:23 pm
Go see a doctor.

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